Opal gemstones |
3 mile road opal & black opal mine Lightning Ridge NSW Australia.
Opal ring man jewelry opal ring . |
Opal hunter opal mine. |
Opal Jewelry.
The largest Opal open cut mine approximately a kilometre ,the open cut started approximately 30 years ago.
Scots and leaning tree Opal claims are the richest Opal deposit ever.
Black Opal was first discovered here about 100 years ago and this 3 mile location in lightning Australia was where the first European explores first discovered the rarest and most beautiful and valuable Opal Patten known internationally as the Harlequin pattern.
Gem quality A+ grade 3 mile multi-coloured 5 out of 5 fire predominantly red in colour cabochon black Opal Harlequin pattern have been known to sell in boutique jewelry locations for $30,000 US carat.
Opal jewelry from the 3 mile designed by Graham Black Opal can be viewed at www.grahamblackopal.com
Guinness book record biggest uncut black Opal in modern times . The gemstone was discovered not far from my Opal mine.